
Gurgaon site honored as 'Future Ready Factory'

Honeywell received a platinum award in the Engineering Sector at India Manufacturing Excellence Award (IMEA) 2019

Companies that will survive in the future must have the flexibility to manage production in a situation of fluctuating demand. 

Our India Gurgaon site proved it could do just that, winning top engineering honors for 2019.

The facility was selected as a “Platinum Award Winner” for “Future Ready Factory” at India Manufacturing Excellence Award.

The award acknowledges the site is lean and agile and can help to insulate stakeholders from demand variability. 

We have a future roadmap that carefully factors in technology disruptions that have started to impact the manufacturing industry.

The site scored the highest in the Engineering mid-segment companies, scoring even higher than 2018, when it was awarded gold.

Photo above (left to right): Ashok Naithani, Puneet Jain, Amit Kaushal and Mayank Singh.