
    How Honeywell Is Supporting Victims of the Australia Bushfire

    As bushfires burn millions of acres, we’re helping organizations on the front lines of relief efforts.

    While Honeywell’s more than 1,500 employees in Australia are currently safe, some have had to evacuate their homes as the fires have threatened their communities.

    “It is completely devastating watching the bushfire situation in our beautiful country,” said Caroline Bosch, Pacific HR Director and Australia resident.  “There is concern and worry on so many levels from those who have lost their lives, homes and communities. There are many costs to the bushfires, not only environmental damage but the ongoing effects associated with rebuilding homes, businesses and livelihoods.” 

    Our thoughts are with our colleagues and the people of Australia as they deal with the effects of this catastrophe.

    Here’s a look at what Honeywell is doing: 

    • Financial support: The Honeywell Humanitarian Relief Foundation, funded by employee donations, made a cash contribution to the New South Wales Rural Fire Service, a volunteer firefighter and first responder organization working around the clock to contain the bushfires. 
    • Equipment donation: Our Safety and Productivity Solutions business unit is donating first responder gear and gas detection equipment to support emergency response groups across Australia.
    • Sydney Opera House Fundraiser: We are also helping defray the cost of a bushfire relief fundraiser being hosted by the Sydney Opera House, a valued customer of our Building Technologies business. With support from Honeywell, the Sydney Opera House is able to maximize the donation from ticket sales toward bushfire relief efforts.