
    Legal Terms

    The agreements and documents set out in this site when referenced in specific print or electronic documents identified as a “order form”, “proposal”, “agreement” or similar name (the “Order Form”) form the basis of your contractual relationship with Honeywell.


    Commercial Terms

    The Order Form is the document used to contract for the specific software, software-as-a-service (“SaaS”), products, services and/or other offerings listed in the Order Form (the “Offering”). It defines the parties, the commercial terms (including product and/or services descriptions and statements of work) and sets out the overall agreement structure and applicable terms. 

    Sample Order Form

    Example for reference. The actual order form will be customized to the Offering. 

    Sample SOW

    Order forms may reference and attach statements of work (SOWs) that set out the details of the services to be provided.

    General Terms

    The following terms and conditions are the general terms and conditions that apply to all Offerings regardless of the applicable Offering type or Product Terms. 

    General Terms and Conditions (GTCs)
    This document sets out the general terms and conditions which apply to the Offering, including, but not limited to, terms which govern confidentiality, choice of law, applicable jurisdiction and which provide the parties’ general rights and obligations.

    Data Processing Terms
    Sets out the terms and conditions that apply to Honeywell's processing of personal data on your behalf. 

    Controller to Controller Annex
    Data controller to controller processing annex. 

    EU Standard Contractual Clauses
    Copy of the EU Standard Contractual Clauses. 

    Offering Terms

    The following terms and conditions supplement the GTCs, and apply to the extent that the Offering contracted for in the Order Form include the type of offering listed. 

    SaaS Terms
    These govern your use and our provision of Software-as-a Service (SaaS) Offerings. 

    Software License
    These are the terms and conditions that govern your use of licensed software. 

    Product Terms
    These govern the sale and provision of products. 

    Professional Services Terms
    These govern the provision of professional services. 


    The following terms and conditions are for use in relation to the evaluation of an Offering and apply if the Offering contracted for in the Order Form references these terms. Where evaluations reference the Part A: Sales Terms the sales terms apply to the evaulation and these terms do not apply. 

    Evaluation Terms - These govern your evaluation or trial of an Offering.


    Agreement Archive

    Past versions of the documents on this site, and the dates on which each document started and ceased to be in effect, may be found here.

    Honeywell Forge Subprocessors

    The list of current sub-processors of personal data for certain Honeywell Forge Offerings can be found here - List of Honeywell Forge Subprocessors


    Cybersecurity Terms – These are applicable to provision Cybersecurity related products, software and services. 

    SMX Terms – These are applicable for sale and purchase of Secure Media Exchange.


    Honeywell Forge for Buildings
    The list of current Honeywell Forge for Buildings Offerings legal terms and conditions can be found here.

    Honeywell Buildings Developer DevTools Terms

    These Developer Terms govern use and access to the Honeywell Forge for Buildings APIs (and Development tools) for customer developers accessing these tools.

    Honeywell Forge Performance +

    Honeywell Forge Performance+ for Buildings Offering Descriptions and Terms

    This Order Form Appendix provides offering-specific descriptions and terms for Honeywell Forge Performance+ for Buildings portfolio of products. Products here include but are not limited to Predictive Maintenance, Centralized Control, Alert Management, Tailored Dashboard Services (“TDS”), and Asset Reliability.

    Honeywell Forge Performance+ for Buildings | Visitor and Contractor Management ("VCM") - Product Terms

    These product terms provide VCM specific offering information and provisions that apply with a VCM order and access.

    Honeywell Forge Sustainability +

    Honeywell Forge Sustainability+ for Buildings Offering Descriptions and Terms

    This Order Form Appendix provides offering-specific descriptions and terms for Honeywell Forge Sustainability+ for Buildings portfolio of products. Products here include but are not limited to: Carbon and Energy Management (Monitor, Control, Optimize), Power Manager, and Electric Vehicle Manager.